Sunday, July 12, 2009

Pomona my sweet Pomona

To all, and I will try to pull back the tears, thank you so much form the bottom of our hearts. Dan McIntyre is the most incredible person on this planet. I can never, ever repay Dan and Joan for being the friends that they are, coming to our aid. We are all saddened over our losses, but it will take more than a friggin fire to drive Dawn and I out of Pomona.
Yes, we are very upset with the fire department. THOSE HOUSES COULD HAVE BEEN SAVED. Therein lies the tragedy. The deep grief in my heart is having to bury my pets that could have been saved. The children are fine, we are fine. Dawn and Fred are terrific. Those that brought food and clothes and shared in our tears are priceless friends and neighbors. And we all thank you.
We lost the cottage that our yarn shop was in that was built in 1887 and the roof and top floor of the main house is gone. We will know tomorrow whether or not we will be able to rebuild. Sadly Dawn's house has been red tagged. My heart is so sad for her and Fred. I have no idea what the Lord has in store for us, but my deep faith in Him is strong. We live in Pomona...and we have a hell of a town!!
Thank you all again for your prayers.


John Clifford said...


We all feel sorrow at what happened and are standing ready to do whatever we can to help you through this trying time.

meg said...

I know the whole community is eager to help in any way we can. We're all dumbstruck and heartbroken at the horror of it all, but there's nothing to bring folks together like tragedy.

If you want to publicize anything via M-M-M-My Pomona, email me, John, or any of the other authors, and we'll post it posthaste.

I've got my Good Vibe-ratron on warp drive and pointed your way!